Here is my layout, The title says: Our Beautiful Flamenco dancer. Also it says: follow your dreams.
This layout is about my daughter and her passion and intuition when it comes to dancing. Like me she just knows it. When she put on this dress, the shoes and the rest of the outfit. She just started to move accordingly. I took alot of pictures of her dancing like this. It was amazing to see her so in the moment, just have so much fun♥ The details like the lanterns or what they are called, I assosiate with latin music: I can see the dancefloor, the colors, the dimmed but warm lights and alot of flowers surrounding the dancers. I can the smell the food,smell the flowers and feel the warmth of all the dancing.
There are alot of details on this layout, like I love so much. But also as a "hats off" for wonderful Ingvild♥ Who can do details like Ingvild, right?
I so love her resin products, look there is even a heart in there♥ The red charm under is really transparent. I just painted it red on the backside:) It fit nicely :) Also I used some of the resin packaging under the main photo. The swirly transparencies, is a stamp from Tim Holtz, which I LOVE. I think it captures a kind of movement from the pictures:) Under it are patterned paper from Prima with alot of roses on them.
The black silk thread and the black lace, I associate with the Flamenco dresses. I really hoped to find some of the threads from the shawls they often wear around their shoulders. Like my daughter is using here. But no such luck. But lol there is enough stuff on this Layout as it is hihihi! Offcourse I had to have some of my mixed media going on. I layout without Molding paste or some kind of texture, just feels empty:P Layers is my thing lol! Curling of the corner I have seen Ingvild do several times, so I thought it was fun to use. Also I think it helped bring the "corset" idea more to life:)Thank you Ingvild and Scrappehuset for a wonderful challenge. It was amazing working so detailed and deep again. Just what my creative muscles needed♥
*To explain what I meant with the start of my post of getting out of my own way. I have to tell the story:)) I saw Ingvild Bolme's wonderful challenge at Scrappehuset. I then told my best friend Jojja about the challenge. That I would really like to try this challenge. But I had to see if I had enough time. Since I use ALOT of time making a layout, but also I am reorganizing my craft room. She is a new scrapbooker and loved the challenge, so she made a layout herself. She was so happy and proud for daring to try this challenge, being new and all. So she asks me when are you starting Linn?
I said truthfully I would have to see if I had enough time, and also I always had a kind of hesitation for challenges. I usually get in my own way, stop myself because of not daring to be so visible LOL. Isn't that kinda weird?!! I have a blog, I am a designer for two companies. But when it is big or wellknown challenges, were I engage just for myself, I back off every time *sigh*
So my Jojja "outed" me at our forum Well then I just had to do it, right? Also because I wanted to show her the respect and show her that I love her fearlessness. I would never ever try challenges when I was a new scrapbooker. I am in some ways kinda shy, weird ha lol! So thank you for pushing me Jojja. Even though a challenge by Ingvild Bolme is like wow, seriously scary. Even if I know her and we are friends, I have such a profound respect for her♥ She is an artist in my book. So my expectations was to make a kick A.. Layout. I had to bring my A-game, because I wanted to show her gratitude and respect♥ Yeah..... no pressure right hihihi?! The mind can really get in the way of just creating. So I really got to move those thought aside and just have fun creating a layout again:) We are all creative beings in one way or another. If you just dare challenge ourself, right?
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, hugs from North of Norway :)
Rett og slett helt fantastisk Linn!! og de herlige bildene av flamencodanseren din da! Elsker alle detaljene, molding paste, fargene - helt perfekt!!
SvarSlettHåper du har en fin kveld!
Helt rå!! Så utrolig lekker!! Digger oppsettet ditt - fargene og detaljene!! Du er flink:)
SvarSlettDenne ble knall, den Linn! Og så bra at du ble med på den!! Skjønner det du skriver om - og derfor var det så digg at du ble med!!
SvarSlettFArgene var knall pg et hærlig oppsett!
Takk for at du ble med!!
Utrolig herlig og fargerik LO Linn!
SvarSlettSå flott flamencodanser! Elsker alle de flotte detaljene dine.
klem fra
Helt rått Linn! Dette er så herlig og se på, fargerikt og detaljrikt som ikke noe annet!! HERLIG!! :))
SvarSlettHERLIG layout!!!! Masse detaljer, lag på lag, og tekstur!! Og elsker at du har klippa ut det ene bildet. Kul effekt!
SvarSlettOg for ikke å snakke om fargene da, som passer PERFEKT til bildene!!!!
Tøft gjort av deg å delta! Og du har imgenting å frykte, du er kjempedyktig!!! :D