
28. september 2020

The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind. Albert Einstein

It has been over a year since my last update in my blog. But I have been contemplating documenting my creative journey but without sharing it on the big social platforms. Blogs are also a platform don't get me wrong. But not as interactive is maybe the right word?

I am wondering if I could use my blog as an extension of how I use my Art Journal. I can't exactly create on this platform but I can document what I create and what is alive in me at the time.

I will see if this will be the way to express myself that I feel comfortable with. I do not have the capacity for the high tempo and share and like buttons that is nowadays. Not even commenting as before. I really miss communicating with friends and family. But unfortunately I do not have the capacity. I hope I will with time. That is the beast with an illness like ME. It robs more than your health.  

My little blog is so unknown and so quiet. Maybe this will be the space that fits my health and needs? I don't know, I will try and see if I can keep myself to it.

As we live a very quiet life, I just do not feel I really can relate as before with those who are abled and can handle the high tempo and achievements. So maybe making my own little space here, were I still can document that life goes on here too. Just in a much more quite tempo and pace and that is fine too  I think as long as I am documenting my slow and quiet creative journey 😊

My creative mind is just as active as before. It can take a siesta sometimes; but usually I think about creative things and ideas several hours a day So here goes another try of putting pictures up on my little blog

A tag I made at least 3 years ago? But fun to make as always! I think this was the last thing I made while we still lived in our other home.

This tag was made for a challenge my best friend had for Christmas about 2 years ago I believe. She asked me to contribute on the 13th of December for a December calendar challenge she had. This was my take. Also fun to make

This I made for my best friend for her birthday 3 years ago! Time flies

I have been really bad at taking photos of what I have made. I guess I got to go through what I have made and take some pictures  Should not have thought I used to scrapbook all the time. My camera or phone would catch a lot of moments. Now I truly love first being in the moment and then choose sometimes to take a picture.

Three tags for today! It is a start to catalogue everything from the last several years. One day at a time.

Love and light to any readers out there. I humbly say thank you for visiting my little place. Take care of yourself, remember you are worth it

1 kommentar:

  1. Gikk innom bloggen i dag, har jo ikke vært der inne på ei stund. Hjerte hoppet over et par slag da jeg så du hadde et nytt innlegg ❤
    Så godt å se deg poste litt igjen, du lager de mest vakre tag jeg vet om.
    Å andre kreative prosjekter ❤



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