Hi everyone, more painting coming up lol! Here is an Art Journal I just had to make. It is as you see about not giving up. Staying present and hopefull that everything will work out some how. Not letting dark thoughts and fear run your life. But its ok to feel, also hurt or vulnerable. But you dont have to act on it, just feel and stay present. Its like the weather, it will change, it is never constant♥ Wonderful life!!
I have always loved the song by R.E.M Everybody Hurts Sometimes. It says it all, and it brings comfort still I think to those who hear it. It always has moved me and it popps in to my head from time to time. I love it. So I had to make an inspirational journal page about it.
I hope you like it. All the products I have used on this AJ you can read about here: TREL BLOGG. All the products used are from this store:) TreL was early to take in products for Mixed Media and Art Jorunaling, and she also has jewelery that fits perfect in with the Steam Punk trends:)
The tears are Glossy Accent and Diamond Dust, love those in combo!!
With Gel mediums and bokpages anything can have a saying *smile*
Well that was the last picture, hope you enjoyed them! Have a wonderful week everyone! Live now, be present and enjoy every minute of it♥ Hugs♥
I have always loved the song by R.E.M Everybody Hurts Sometimes. It says it all, and it brings comfort still I think to those who hear it. It always has moved me and it popps in to my head from time to time. I love it. So I had to make an inspirational journal page about it.
I hope you like it. All the products I have used on this AJ you can read about here: TREL BLOGG. All the products used are from this store:) TreL was early to take in products for Mixed Media and Art Jorunaling, and she also has jewelery that fits perfect in with the Steam Punk trends:)
I have used both stamps, stencils, paint, mists and lots more. Sorry my portrait skills are not that pro yet. But I am working on it hihi, drawing and creating shades and layers. But I got to start somewhere right?
I used to be able to stack the pictures side by side before. But not it is impossible. Does anyone know of a good way to do this i blogspot? Even if I show them in a tiny version they wont stack. The jump all over the place :P So I am sorry there is just a long list of pictures, but gotta show you the pictures right?♥The tears are Glossy Accent and Diamond Dust, love those in combo!!
With Gel mediums and bokpages anything can have a saying *smile*
Well that was the last picture, hope you enjoyed them! Have a wonderful week everyone! Live now, be present and enjoy every minute of it♥ Hugs♥
Very beautiful!
SvarSlettSånn, nå har jeg vært inne hos Trel og lest der. Skulle kanskje kommentert der inne men det blir så dobbelt opp 'lol'
SvarSlettEn helt fantastisk side Linn og enda mer fantastisk etter jeg har lest fremgangsmåten din og ikke minst den lange "smørbrødlisten" av produkter du har med her 'imponert'.
bare elsker de ulike fargene du har på bakgrunnen, litt sånn dunkel men samtidig lys, tårene til damen 'sukk' og så genialt med ditt nye "stempel" Også det håret da ..wow!!! Kan jo fortsette i det uendelige her, men da blir mitt svar lengre enn ditt innlegg 'lol'
Du er bare god du!
varme klemmer!
Så hærlig!!
Dette var en virkelig god side!
Flotte AJ - sider du har laget.
SvarSlettSå snille dere er tusen tusen takk!!!
SvarSlettBare innom for å takke for herlig kommentar og ønske deg en riktig god helg! (og jeg har brukt washitape og tyll på skjørtet hans på LOen min altså, synes jeg måtte kle på ham litt :D )
SvarSlettklemmer til besteste Linn!
Fantastisk, sterkt og nydelig!
SvarSlettAlt på en å samme gang <3