Just wanted to show you the TWO layouts I got done during the weekend crop. I am not good at crops to focus!! To many wonderful and beautiful people I have to talk to LOL. But hey two layouts and one card, is not that bad really. Not since I just cant leave my paint, crackle accents +++ at home. So I decides: okay Linn, you want to scrap something you are content with, then dont worry about how much time goes by during the weekend. It was a stressfree choice. But I wonder if it would have been just as good to just pack down some small things to do, instead of halling a big XXL suitcase and a bag, just for TWO layouts LOL! Well well, it was fun, that is the most important part right??
This Layout I used a whooole day to make. It was difficult, I really dont know why.... Probably all the embossing, painting, layers +++ i just HAD to have on LOL. Also the picture that is pretty dark, was a challenge :) The Layout says: I miss you daddy! Her father had a business trip for a week, and sweet Mia missed him so much. She even said: mom take a picture so daddy can see how much I miss him, while I talk to him on the phone♥ (look at the cute birds, so chubby and adoorable, loove 'em!)
The layout under is made after a sketch, but I do not know who's it is. Not totally content with this one, but hey it was what I did express in the moment, and thats why I try not to do anything more with it. (only stamped on the right side, to get some sort of balance in the Layout)
Thanks for stopping by, I do really appreciate it all you lovely ones :) Sending love and postive energy your way ♥
Så nydelige LOer Linn! Den øverste var så sart og så delikat. Bildet kommer så utrolig flott frem.
SvarSlettHa en super dag!
Ikkje rart du bruker lang tid når alt er så forseggjort, Linn! Utrulig fint tema på den øverste, og så masse fine detaljer. Den nederste var berre heilt nydelig :)
SvarSlettHåper alt står bra til med deg - fikk ikkje somla meg på treff denne gangen heller
Kjempe fine loer og flott blogg.
SvarSlettHåper at alt er vel med deg!
Stor klem fra Solrun
Ååååh så vakre tinger fra en vakker pike.
SvarSlettEr jo innom deg støtt og stadig, men har så liten tid til å skrive forstår du.
Men du og du såååå vakre disse var - den øverste var jo bare nyyyydelig og pappa vær så god her har du et par tårer ♥
En strålende dag og uke til deg og dine - alt vel i pakkingen ♥
Virkelig lekre LO'er! Digger oppsettet og all pynten!
SvarSlettha en fortsatt flott helg!