
19. februar 2014

Art Journal and a Card made with Papirdesign products :)

I have forgot to show you my Art Journal with Papirdesign products! I am one of the luckiest girls in the world. To be a designer for Papirdesign is really a blessing. The newest collection is so breathtaking and so inspiring. That I even dream about it at night, or wake up with ideas non stop. Just got to have enough time and energy to make something out of the ideas lol!

So here is the AJ I made using their awesome stamps and other goodies ♥

ALL the stamps used are from Papirdesign ♥ The arrows are stamps that I have embossed several layers on ;) The patterned papers you can see, is also Papirdesign and the text too. Of-course also the enamel dots! 
 I looove this new shipping tag stamp from Papirdesign. I am going to use it generously!

 See the little smiley face. There is a whole set of different smileys and even FB Like thumb. Love it!
 I have embossed several of the stamps with embossing enamel powder. I need soon some more, I am addicted to it lol!
I am saying on this page that even when times are tough. Remember that if you don't dare to try and give up, it wont get any better ;) So it is a spread to tell myself to keep going, stay strong and believe in myself :)

What is not to love with ones own peptalk through a creative process.

More to come, I am creating steadily now! Yeayy, once a week at least, and I hope it will be at least three times a week. Fingers crossed lol!

Have a wonderful day, best wishes to you all ♥


14. februar 2014

Hearts on a card - forgot to share here...

I made a heart card with lace and mediums. Thought it would be good to share today on Valentines day♥

I have used Papirdesign papers, stamp and dots :)

 I was supposed to make a "lace bowl", but the medium I used was not stiff enough. I was out of Extra Heavy Gel. So will try that again another time lol. Buut I got a bowl kinda shape anyways, so I just cut it down to a big heart. I also had a layer of Mod Podge Sparkle on to get it to give a wonderful glitter effect.

The words says Thank you. I used Embossing Enamel in two layers and than stamped in the warm enamel. Worked like a charm ;)

Here you can see it is pretty thick. The background is pretty distressed along the sides, but it was to give a tender effect. A tender heart kinda right?!

Hope you liked it :)

Also if you are a crafter like me who neeever get enough stuff lol! The Paper Crafting Scandinavia is having a biiig giveaway! Go check it out -> http://thepapercrafting.com/?p=2506

Have a great Valentine everyone, with someone or by yourself. Just remember to be kind to yourself♥ Best wishes Linn

13. februar 2014

Homemade stamps from Paperrolls

I shared this picture on Instagram last night ;) If you like making you own backgrounds this is an easy way to do it. I love making my own tools and stamps. 

On some of them I used popup glue squares to adhere the paperrolls. But it was way faster to use my hot glue gun lol! Now to try them out in my Art Journal. Also I made some stamps out of the pop up glue squares. I made triangles out of them. So hopefully my energy will pick up soon. So I can really get into creating. I kinda zoom out the rest of the world when I create, but I also forget to stop while I have some energy left :P

Have a nice day everyone! Love and light to you all ♥

Love Hearts for my husband ♥

Hi just wanted to show you my papermache heart I made :) I design for www.trel.no and just had a plan from the start when I could choose the products. A heart for my hubby. Inside I have filled it with Love Hearts with all the wonderful sayings :)

So I got so inspired by the candy I had to make the big heart as a Love Heart. His favorite color is green, so of course it had to be Love Heart Green *wink*

Also had to make a luscious red bow to make it look more inviting to open. Hope you like it :)
I have mixed the paint with Molding Paste to let it be really toothy and coarse. Also as matte and almost candylike when you feel it. Just as Love Hearts feels like ;) Gotta keep true to the original :)
I also made the heart edge with molding paste and piped it on like you do on a cake. My hands were pretty steady, but not totally lol! Well home made you know, gotta have its quirks ;)
Yummy! But I was supposed to also put in a couple of homemade chocolate bars with cognac in them. But my energy level is kinda low. But my hubby was happy with the sweet candy, thankfully ♥

The 12th of February is our wedding day, and Valentine on the 14th! Lots of love in February lol! Hope you have a wonderful day and a good valentine too ♥

Best wishes from Linn

12. februar 2014

I won yeayyy, so so happy!

I had so much fun at CASAkos some weekends ago. It really kickstarted my Art Journaling again. The challenge was perfect to get me going. Skorpionen is a veryyy talented Art Journaler and made this challenge. So off course I got inspired by her challenge.

What came out of me kinda shocked me but also made me very happy. I love contrasts, and I love Payne's grey! It is not black, it is not grey and it is not blue. It is all of them lol! So I just went to town with this color. Wow soo dark, yikes Linn what are you doing I thought lol! But then I just let myself get into the moment and just act and paint.

A lot of layers and mediums and other stuff on here ;) Fun fun fun! I like using fabric in my layers of medium. I can never get enough texture. I like making pages you would feel the urge to touch with your fingertips ♥

So when the challenge was over, I was randomly picked as the winner! Thank's to the work colleague who picked my number lol! I won two gorgeous Colorations sprays for Art Anthology. I have never used this spray before, so I am so looking forward to making them my best friends :)

Have a great day everyone!


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