
3. november 2013

Art Therapy - good for the heart and soul

Watch this wonderful episode from Soul Pancake. Have you visited this wonderful website before? If not I urge you to take a look. It is food for the soul, that is for sure♥ 

I believe being creative, tapping in to our creative space is good for us. ALL of us ♥ We are ALL creative beings in some form or another. It does not have to be painting it can be so many other expressions. Creativity has given us so much, even science has in many ways a creative language. Don't you think?

Also I have to ask, do you meditate? It is really a big gift in being creative and open up our heart and soul. Also it is so easy to feel gratitude and feeling generous to all of life's gifts ♥ Watch this wonderful video by Louie Schwartzberg and see for yourself:

I am sooo looking forward to joining a unique meditation series by no other than Louie Schwartzberg. It starts tomorrow! November 4th! Here is a link, so you can read for yourself: 21 days of gratitude. Also did I mention it is for free! Yes it is!

Some thoughts on a sunday, now off to paint a bit before enjoying the rest of the day with open arms♥

Have a wonderful sunday everyone, best wishes and light to you all ♥

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